
Decolonial Shadow Work®       

Unlearning the white colonial mind

This Is Mind, Body, & Soul Work

A 12 Week Educational, Spiritual, Transformational Course For anti-racist, spiritual, empathic white leaders, matriarchs, healers, visionaries, & guides 

 Ready to dismantle the colonial paradigm through facing the colonial shadows so that the cycle of oppression can finally end & true collective liberation can begin. 

Decolonial Shadow Work® Cohort 4 Opens on September 10th

Journey held from September - December 2024

$888 for 12 weeks of teachings and guidance

Join the waitlist to receive early enrollment bonuses! 

Lucas Wirtz's Experience:


"Taking part in the Decolonial Shadow Work course was a beautiful and transforming journey, through the work of Dra. Rosales. It is so rich in lessons, medicine and healing form her that I don't know where to start naming some of it. I have always questioned the way we live, from my early years on. But it was not until I found the work of Dra. Rosales, that I finally got to see so much more depth in the work that we all should to take on us, for the world to enter a new paradigm. Work that will lead us away from the harmful ways the colonial system has robbed us all from our capacity to be fully human.

She is so full of compassion and commitment for the work that we as white people need to do, it crumbled al lot of the shame and guilt I used to feel. I feel that still a lot of everything I received from her in this course needs to settle somewhere in my body and I also know that my spirit is already working with me on this path and doesn't need to have it all spelled out. You guided me back to seeing my own humanity. Thank you so much Dra. Rosales, for all the love and guidance you bring!"





Catherine Gray's Experience:


“I felt the call to take Dra Rocio's course, "Decolonial Shadow Work" this year and ...oh WOW what a change it has made in my life! Things that I thought (hoped) would be addressed not only were addressed but in the most high vibrational and safe of ways! And then I was surprised time and time again at how much MORE I learned than I thought I would. This has touched every area of my life...in the BEST of ways. Dra Rocio teaches in such a soft and understanding way...making HUGE subjects seem do-able and able to be digested. I felt safe. I felt seen. Each week that went on, I felt more capable of truly doing this work. What seemed insurmountable before now seemed possible.

It opened up SO many more doorways than I ever imagined possible! I feel that I'm truly doing my work....that it's truly possible now and I'm actually doing it! And that's an amazing feeling. I've been able to have some really KEY conversations with members of my family that I never before thought would be possible (I had given up on it some time ago) and it's actually happening! Dra. Rocio lays it out in a way that is digestible, easy to understand, and....(again)....feels safe. I'm endlessly grateful for this course and for my Teacher, Dra. Rocio. I cannot recommend this course enough! Thank you, Dra. Rocio. I'm so very grateful. This has quite literally changed my life! (and the lives of my family & friends) ”.


Paula achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Laura achieved other amazing result:

"Danish powder croissant donut marzipan. Donut macaroon cake brownie jelly topping. Jelly cheesecake pastry shortbread halvah jelly-o jelly beans macaroon apple pie."

Decolonial Shadow Work®

 is for you if...

  • You are seeking guidance for honoring your unique spirit, your heart, and soul's path.
  • You are willing to do the shadow work needed to be free.
  • You are open to learning in an intuitive way and allow the medicine and messages from Spirit to come as they are presented.
  • You are open to learning in an intuitive way and allow the medicine and messages from Spirit to come as they are presented.
  • You understand that we must embrace ambiguity and the mystery as part of the process of unlearning, that the need to control & know everything is rooted in the colonial patriarchy.
  • You seek guidance to consciously slow down and unlearn the colonial sense of urgency and understand that for wellness and liberation, we must make space for surrender, for deep self reflection, for shadow work, for joy, for ease, for rest.
  • You are experiencing a spiritual awakening and hear your higher self & ancestors calling you.

  • You are READY and excited, and maybe a little nervous, for this journey and feel CALLED to this journey and me as your guide.


This offering was life changing for me and something my heart has been yearning for a very long time.

 For the first time maybe ever, I felt a deep connection to Mother Earth and a deepening sense of spirituality. I really got the connection between healing from the colonized mindset and the importance of deepening of my own sense of spirituality. 

​Dra. Rocio came to us with incredibly balanced intellect and heart, the medicine offered went in deeply into me.

 I have never been taught like this before!!

 I felt that Dra. Rocio held us gently in her arms as shared the difficult truths that we as white people much acknowledge in order to heal. This truly is the way to learn and heal in order to free myself of lineage of the colonial mindset that I carry. Other offerings have presented things from an intellectual standpoint and honestly miss the important need for healing of the heart. 


Kris Meilahn, student of a Decolonial Shadow Work

Saludos, I'm Dra. Rocío 

The white colonial capitalist patriarchy is your programming, 
but it does not have to be your LEGACY.

Beloved, I know you understand what is at stake for humanity. I know you care deeply. I know you understand that this work is our soul's calling for this lifetime.

Decolonial Shadow Work: Unlearning the White Colonial Mind guides you as a white person to clear colonial imprints & call back your spirit from this oppressive paradigm, so that you can rehumanize, show up in right relationship, begin to reclaim your precolonial lineage, and honor your spirit's calling to co-create a new paradigm in which we are ALL free and well.

Decolonial Shadow Work Cohort 4 Opens on September 10th

A New Paradigm of Care Cohort 3 Opens in May

Be the first to know when enrollment opens and receive early enrollment bonus.